You are an artist, we all are.

From the moment we are born, from that first breath, we begin to experience life. And those experiences start shaping how we interpret the world, and as a result of those interpretations, we create a reality.

Reminder: If you don’t see yourself as an artist, wake up! Your ‘reality’ is your greatest work of art. You were born involuntarily, and then this reality was born within you—this way of interpreting things (a product of the experiences you’ve lived).

The way you speak to yourself, to your family, to your dog, to strangers, to your neighbor. How you sit, how you think, how you treat yourself and others, how you see the world. Absolutely everything.

And yes, this work of art can be transformed. In fact, we’re constantly doing it—either for better or worse, for good or bad, to create or destroy. But we do it.

It’s an undeniable reality.

The question is: What work of art would you like to see in the world?

The answer to that question is your vision, and your goal is to CREATE IT.

Become an artist voluntarily, because you’ve always been one involuntarily.

P.S.: If you think I’m talking a lot of crap, you might be right. We all do, to some extent : ). I’m just trying to share perspectives that have worked for me.

Are you interested in having a website or your own blog?

Lemme know through this boring contact form and let’s work together in your project. I’d love it!